View Full Version : The national IQ test

12th May 2002, 07:03 PM
did anyone do it???

i did, only problem is that i am 13, so when they showed the results, my age group wasnt there (it stops at 16!! :( )

so if u did do it post what u had here!!! (dont be shy :wink: )

if you missed it and wanna do it visit


13th May 2002, 05:40 PM
i doubt the validity of all character and personal potential tests, not to mention the ''which star wars character are you?'' questionnaires. there is always something that the author/s has/have forgotten to take into consideration, and they all have their own biases as to what is significant or truly applicable to the subject

13th May 2002, 05:56 PM
well i know that but it is always fun!!!!!!!

just 2 do it and find out the outcome. :D

13th May 2002, 05:58 PM
Yeah, I done it, but I was having a little trouble with it - I was drinking Bud from before the thing started, so I kept having to re-focus on the screen to read questions by the middle part! :)

I got 112, which was about average for the area I'm in. I really wish I hadn't got drunk, as it would be nice to know what my result would be when I'm feeling fresh. I missed out an entire section (second group of logic questions) because I spilled my beer!

I couldn't really give a funk to be honest - watching that snobby woman from MENSA make excuses and talk a whole load of rubbish as she tried to squirm her way out of a difficult question wasn't for me.... hmmm... what one was it... oh yeah - the "Constable is to whatever as a Bus is to a....." question.

That was definately knowledge, not english or logic and she tried to defend it like a twit.

If that's what having a high IQ is all about I think I'll just keep up the drinking! ;)

13th May 2002, 06:01 PM
the MENSA lot tend to be twits who join for the sake of their egos; the real geniuses just do the work they're brilliant at, and actually accomplish something.

13th May 2002, 09:20 PM
exactly.. elitist organisations like that are a bit.. uhm.. i dunno.. cant find the right word for it..

14th May 2002, 03:04 AM

15th May 2002, 04:40 PM

16th May 2002, 10:08 PM
I'm afraid Lance has perfectly described me :o ... :lol: I don't belong to MENSA, however.
In a test I did 6 years ago (when I was 16) I got a 135 when an average person would have a 100 or so. They say geniuses are above 150. However quite a lot of the questions could be improved with some training so I don't really believe it reflects your real IQ.
And Lance, I don't know if anyone out there will correct me but most of the engineers (or engineering students like me) are very self self self... We do believe we are the best. I'm afraid they brainwash us at University. :P :roll: :lol:

17th May 2002, 01:05 AM
i saw or heard somewhere else that genius started at 140 [very sudden transition if you ask me]. when i was 11, my school gave us IQ tests, but didn't tell us the exact numbers; i had to calculate it myself, but it was around 130 or such, which i still regard as insufficiently meaningful because the tests are too limited in scope. but anyway i look at it, even if standards have changed in the 48 years since i took that test, i am a sUB-genius. dammit. the tests i have taken since then put me in the 99th percentile, but they never truly measure the capacity for accomplishment. i have accomplished little other than self-entertainment with whatever intelligence i have. to do work which truly changes the world requires much more than that, it takes original imagination, energy, discipline, and some built-in compulsion to really do something

27th May 2002, 07:27 PM
Rob, are you sure that we`re not somehow related??
Both of us joining wip3out.de on the exact same day was bad enough, nd now I find that we both have the exact same IQ! 112 for me, too! (and I have the email as proof)

of course, this BBC test is only to be taken as a guideline, not a bragging right!

27th May 2002, 07:45 PM
I was tested fairly extensively in 6th and 7th grade, a whole battery of stuff... (my mom told me not to tell people my I.Q., and it seemed a good idea)... so I can tell you that if you are in the 99th percentile, you already have about the half the Mensans beat. Both my father and mother were Mensans (my father was RVC for the Southeast US), so I was exposed to it for quite some time. There were some very interesting and good folks to be sure, but for the most part, I thought Mensa had way too many egotistical, elitist über-nerds parading their ability to win at Trivial Pursuit and make puns and spoonerisms, which was coupled with a complete inability to hold their liquor.

That aside... yes, I.Q. tests are pretty subjective. Just because you're a genius doesn't mean you can't be a complete jerk as well. I think your personal style is more important - the way you treat people and carry yourself....

Also, intelligence doesn't solve everything. I'm pretty clever, but I still can't make that damned last turn at Odessa Keys, so there you go...



28th May 2002, 03:23 AM
''...coupled with a complete inability to hold their liquor.''
i dunno why, but i just laffed when i read that. hehe.
i think i've gotten stupider as i've gotten older, wiser maybe, but stupider. i was really quite bright when i was a child, but now i am often amazed at just how bright many of the people i meet on line are.

that last turn... a controller better than a computer keyboard might help. my intellectual dis/abilities sure don't. you are so right